Andres Batista Apuntes Flamencos Vol-3

Price     35,00 €
Type     Guitar
Author     Andres Batista


Apuntes Flamencos Vol-3

Andrés Batista


Standard notation and Tablature

Book + CD; 96 pages

Languages: Spanish, English, French


A great Flamenco repertory including falsetas, rhythms and primary chords that are usual in the main flamenco styles to accompany the cante (singing) and baile (dancing). Useful to every guitarist who need a varied repertory or improve it in this complicated art of accompaingment

CD included with themes at normal speed and low speed


Book Content


10 basic advices to the flamenco guitarist

Notation signs

Andres Batista


Arpeggio study

Rasgueos exercises

Thumb study

Alzapúa study

Picado study

Arpegio and Picado study

Arpegio study

Pull off and Hammer on stydies with fast changes study

Tremolo study

A M study