Mauricio Bellido Flamenco Blanca 2021

Top     German spruce
Back and sides     Spanish cypress
Varnish     French polish
Scale     655 mm


Guitar Mauricio Bellido Flamenco Blanca
Mauricio belongs to a saga of genuine luthiers from Granada, and his guitars expire all the knowledge, color and flavor of the original Bellido workshop guitars.
This flamenco blanca guitar offers the authentic flamenco sound of Bellido guitars at an unbeatable price.

Quick response, very comfortable and easy to play, its sound flows naturally and with flamenco "Jondura" (depth) from the first note, and has strength, character and the typical "soul" of all good flamenco guitar.

In short, a first-class flamenco guitar, with all the flavor of the Bellido workshop, at a price without competition for a guitar of this category.