Flamenco Jazz Translations

Price     31,00 €
Type     Guitar
Author     Marcos Teira


Flamenco Jazz Translations

Marcos Teira


Standard notation 

Book + CD; 44 pages

Languages: Spanish, English


Cooperacion de Mariano Martos (Bajo Flamenco)


This work in Book/CD format, offers ideas about how to adapt jazz and rock tunes to a flamenco musical environment.


It presents five pieces arranged and re-interpreted from a flamenco perspective. Of these pieces, four of them are jazz standards and one is a theme popularized within the rock context. It includes detailed explanations about the flamenco styles ("palos”), as well as other rhythmic, melodic, harmonic and formal elements of flamenco.


It is a book/CD aimed at open-minded musicians who have drunk from the fountains of jazz, flamenco, or even of rock.


Recorded with flamenco guitar, electric bass, cajón and flamenco clapping (palmas).


Good for all harmonic, melodic or percussive instruments since each arrangement is recorded with the possibility of ‘muting’ included in a CD MP3 format.